Tuesday, December 09, 2003

more post-worthy chatting...

ErinZ (12:03:51 AM): doug was so dirty
ErinZ (12:04:03 AM): he was like twelve but bald
ErinZ (12:04:06 AM): how fucked up is that
Dre (12:04:11 AM): haha
ErinZ (12:04:28 AM): maybe he had cancer
ErinZ (12:04:33 AM): skeeter was definitely retarded
ErinZ (12:04:42 AM): and pattie mayonnaise was a whore and everyone knew it
ErinZ (12:05:11 AM): his neighbor was a child molester
ErinZ (12:05:34 AM): his sister was a thespian lesbian
ErinZ (12:05:50 AM): does no one see the dark undertones of this show

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