Monday, January 17, 2005

Charles: The antenna ball is hot and I'm bound to be the core of everyone's raging jealousy when school starts back up. Also my dad likes it, which is a bonus. I'm sorry about the soda.


Anonymous said...

I am too, i barely even got to know the soda. I mean i was there when ice was put in the glass, i was there when the can opened and sent forth a fizzy hiss of promised sweet flavor into the world. It said "Hello there friend, i have been sent to refresh you. Just pour me and let me seep into every oriface of the ice and i shall become cool and good. Your lips will tickle at my carbonation, your tongue will dance in rapture, your throat will moisten with glee and the hellfire that is your thirst will be banished by my majesty for i am your soda, and friend i am here for you."

Then it fell into my lap, sticky boxers.


Anonymous said...

You got the ball? Errrg! I hate you!