so i've been watching the lion king maybe three times a day ever since i read doug tennapel's little review on it. it really IS good and very well written. i like to sit around like a complete dork and analyze it all and point out which parts of the movie are which of the major stages of the traditional hero's journey. i feel so smart when i do that. also, it's nice to think there was a time when disney could make a quality movie and have characters say words like "kill" and there wouldn't be a herd of overprotective soccer moms burning down buildings and eating people alive while they hide their children in locked boxes. "morning report" is an atrocity.
sick sick sick once again. loads of mucus. can't seem to draw anymore. just sketch a bunch of retarded faces and attempting to make something complete. it's not working!! arrrghh!!! i no finish art in months!!
animation show coming to my hometown... steve and i are swollen with pride and very excited. posting flyers is going to be the highlight of my life. i can't wait to see it ten times and then some. I EAT MY EYEBALLS IN PLEASURE
i want to go to the zoo and draw animals.
scar is effeminate and scary.
yay zombies
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