Tuesday, September 12, 2006


There's nothing quite like your life-long artistic idol and influence giving you a big hug and telling you that he's proud of you. This is what happened yesterday when I attented Doug TenNapel's presentation on pitching and story development. What an amazing three hours it was!

I know this is a bit late but I don't think I can express how sad I am that Steve Irwin is gone. I feel like someone very close to me has died, even though I hardly ever watched his show. I guess that just goes to show you what an amazing influence he had on the world, even if you weren't completely aware of it.

Character designer opening at Cartoon Network. The question is, do I apply? And also, how do I get there if I do? Frustration becomes your close friend when the lease on your car is up in a few months and you can't drive anywhere because you're going to get raped for every mile you drive over your designated mileage. OOGHH!!

I have to go draw monkeys, or something. Pigs, maybe. Some animals. My portfolio has a serious lack of hilarious/loveable animals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt mind seeing more of that 3 chinned marmoot thing, i cant remember its name exactly. Hey have gives me an idea, im naming one of the older chinchilla babys Marmoot....as soon as i learn to tell them apart.

I watched the crocodile hunter like every day for months when i was major MMORPG nerd, the kids show and his more serious specials. The stuff that happened before and after his first child was born, i feel bad cause its like they showed the baby on the kids show so much and now it keeps coming to me that the poor kid isnt gonna have a daddy. I didnt find out till he had died that he had a second kid, cause i dont get to watch TV so much no more.

Im jealous though, this guy did what he wanted every day no matter what the risk or cost and died doing what he loved and what he belived in, and the guy pulled out the stinger! That guy was amazing. The kinda guy who when people live life the only real distinction in thier life they may ever get is that they met someone like him. He would rather have died than see an animal get hurt.
