Tuesday, November 09, 2004

steve just left my house but he should've moved in given how long i was rambling to him about all sorts of things. but he is the good sort of friend and he listened to my ridiculous tales and over-thought opinions.

got my next semester schedule! woo! and it's awesome. i start class late three days a week. mmm... lazy bliss.

i hate calling people up and i especially hate leaving messages where i make myself sound like a grade A queen dumb ass. if whoever i'm calling doesn't call me back within five hours i start to think, "well, there we go. they think i'm a complete doofus now" the idea of whoever i'm calling actually being out of their house or enjoying a social life never crosses my mind. i go ahead and assume the worst. i love talking on the phone but i wish there was a way to call someone and then have the whole process reversed so they were calling me to begin with. or something. everyone, just call me from now on, damnit. i don't want to leave anymore messages that make me lose friends.

so... tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If someone stopped being your friend because of some message you left they wouldnt be worth knowing anyway. Unless the message was along the lines of you telling them to go to hell and inviting them to have relations with various animals known for ferocity.
