Tuesday, October 19, 2004

i just realized that i think the whole reason why i write in my journal five times more than any person i've ever heard of is because i am a lonely son of a bitch and writing everything out is like having a conversation with myself and anyone who just might be passing by. does that make any sense at all? fucking advil cold and sinus.


Anonymous said...

I did that with my journal too, when i had one. The site went the way of the dodo and i made a new one a little bit ago at the request of someone else. It can be found here http://www.livejournal.com/users/the_antibus/

nothing there yet but an incredibly infectious damn song and i will shake the person who showed it to me like a british nanny one day. *i seriously watch it just for the song and it could be easily argued that the song blows, but i cant stop*

My first big "update" for that will probly be my vegas trip IM GONNA SEE PENN AND TELLER IM SO EXCITED IM SPITTING! Then in true nerd fashion im heading to that star trek resturant haha. No where near a trekkie am i, but i hear i can get a klingon to serve my table and by god im gonna do it.


Anonymous said...

Mmm...as far as I can tell, there are three distinct types of journals...."species" if you will. I shall now explain them in detail, like the massive internet nerd I am. Ahem.

1. The Mopey: This type of journal is simply someone who uses their journal as an excuse to whine and mope about their life eg: "Why doesn't he/she love me? My parents hate me. Satan keep putting my hair in curlers. My waffle iron hates me. Why do I fall for the wrong guys? Why do I hurt inside? Why does my mascara burn so?"

2. The Disgustingly Chirpy: Filled with cute, bastardized English and happy love joy, eg: "Omg and me and stacey like, went to the mall :) :) :) and there was like this hot guy there mmmmmmmmm >3 hheeee heee cool wheee and then we were all like, totally, awesome. omgwtfbbq :) :) :)"

3. The Good Ones: Journals like this one, which:
a) Are funny
b) Are meaningful - but not *too* meaningful
c) That don't take themselves too seriously.

Hopefully my journal also fits into the third category as well.

You're right though - most journals are written by lonely people. I don't like what that says about me though...but for the record, I am a good conversationalist, so I may as well take advantage of it...


P.S. Smooth Criminal is freaking awesome.