Tuesday, October 26, 2004

what a day, what a day.

but a fantastic day.

woke up early in the morn and ventured (hee) with steve up to bodyworlds. you know, the thing with the dead people who have been perfectly preserved but have all their flesh ripped off (see yesterday's post). it was amazing to say the least. i couldn't, for the life of me, look at the bodies and think for a second that they were once living breathing human beings. it was just impossible. but very cool. the runner with the muscles peeling back from his bones was my personal show-stopper. inbetween and after the exhibit steve and i ran around and played with the random hands-on science displays. a lot of "wow"ing happened.

just as we were about to leave the science museum to do god knows what, lance asked if anyone wanted to go to LACMA (LA county museum of art). our answer: hell yes! off we went, but got really lost in the process, and for some reason we asked a homeless woman pushing a shopping cart filled with empty bottles for directions. in an all-knowing fashion, she told us to go all the way up the street we were on, when in fact our destination was about thirty miles in the opposite direction. we still made it, though, and had plenty of time to spare once we got into the museum. let me tell you, lance is like some sort of magical non-stop wealth of information that spews out facts at an astonishing rate. i spent hours learning and appreciating so many things that i never even would have thought about before. we ate some horrible food in the cafeteria, debated about tattoos in the car, and got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. and then i had a wicked migraine.

today was so utterly fulfilling on many levels. i learned an incredible amount of information in one day and i didn't even have to miss class to do it. i love the fact that now i can focus on my art and nothing else has to get in the way. i can spend a whole day in multiple museums with a small group of awesome people and feel like i've just won the lottery.

here comes da rain!!

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